Peachstate Region - Porsche Club of AmericaMenu
Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: 01/17/2024, 10:53:54

How long do tours last?
Tours typically last between 4 and 12 hrs, and will range from under 100 miles but could exceed 300 miles.

Do tours include rest stops?
Yes we have rest stops about every 90 minutes.

Do tours include a meal?
Most tours will have a planned lunch stop included.

What kinds of tours does Peachstate PCA offer?
Various types: exploration tours, destination tours, scenic tours, and driving tours. Sometimes we visit natural beauty, sometimes we visit a special destination, like a museum or car show. Sometimes we just drive the twisty mountain roads for which Porsches were made. All tours strive to have interesting routes and/or unique or fun destinations. At least once per year we also try to have an overnight tour. Watch the event calendar and tour announcements for details.

Do I have to sign an insurance waiver?
Yes, like every other PCA event involving a moving vehicle, it is necessary to sign the waiver. Peachstate obtains liability insurance for these events, and seeks to maintain the utmost safety during the driving tours.

Will there be a safety briefing before the tour begins?
Yes. We will introduce leads/sweeps, go over any areas of concern on the route, and cover safety issues for group driving. Both drivers and passengers are required to attend the participants briefing.

Will I be assigned to a driving group or can I choose which group to drive with?
You will be assigned to a driving group prior to the tour so that we can keep group sizes even and so that we know who is in which group.

I don't live near the start of the tour, can I meet the tour at some point other than the origination point?
On some tours a secondary meeting point will be designated, depending upon available time and facilities to handle all the vehicles on the tour. This does, however, require a stop of all participants on the tour to handle all the details required by PCA. If a secondary start point is designated it will be your responsibility to be there before the tour is expected to get there so as not to unnecessarily delay the tour, and you still must sign waivers, get an arm band, and hear the entire participant meeting that was presented at the original start location before the tour can proceed. As a result not all tours will have secondary start/sign-in locations. If one is designated and you plan to take advantage of it contact the tour leader in advance so that he/she knows you will not be signing in at the origination point and won't wait on you to arrive there.

Will I be called upon to be a group leader or sweeper?
PCA requires all tours to have leaders and sweepers. Depending upon the number of participants the tour may have more than one group of cars. We try to limit it to 8-10 cars per group. We ask for volunteers for leaders/sweepers, but if we don't get enough we will have to draft someone to fill in the positions in order to meet PCA minimum tour standards, which we must do to keep getting insurance. Leaders and sweepers will be provided a radio unit so they can communicate during the tour to insure that the group is staying together.

Will these drives be considered spirited drives?
Tours always respects speed limits and normal rules of the road. We must control our speed or we can lose our insurance. We fully embrace spirited, safe driving on the track or autocross course, but not on tours. Please drive courteously and patiently, as multi-car caravans always require a certain amount of patience in keeping groups together.

What if I get lost or behind?
Each car will receive an instruction set containing route instructions, rest stop locations, address of the restaurant where the tour will end (if applicable), and the cell phone number of the Tour Leader and group leads and sweeps. Since we are driving in small groups you should be able to follow the car in front of you. If you get separated at an intersection the group lead will slow down to allow you to catch back up and you won’t have to race to do so. The lead and sweep will be in communication so should know if the group gets split. If you do get lost call the lead. You may have to rely on your GPS to get to the next stop where you can rejoin the tour.

What kind of behavior should tour participants avoid?
Any kind of "driver attitude" such as unsafe driving, speeding, passing in no passing zones. Using alcohol or drugs will be grounds for being excluded from the tour.

How should I prepare for a tour?
Fill up your Porsche with gas before you arrive - don't be the person that has to make the tour stop prematurely because you weren't prepared. Make sure your car is road worthy for the planned distance of the tour.

Do I have to drive with my headlights on?

Why do tours have a registration fee?
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