Peachstate Region - Porsche Club of America
Peachstate Region
Porsche Club of America
Peachstate Region
Porsche Club of America
HPDE at Atlanta Motorsports Park

Last Updated: 05/02/2024, 09:54:29

We had so much positive feedback that we are going to do it again! Join us for a unique HPDE at Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) on July 27, 2024. There will only be three run groups so you will have five 25-30 minute sessions on track. All makes of cars are welcome. Group 1 will be a novice run group exclusively for women! In February, it filled up in 4 ½ hours with a waiting list a mile long.

Groups 2 and 3 will be open to men and women. Group 2 is for solo drivers and has limited passing with a point-by. Group 3 is for advanced drivers and allows passing anywhere on track with a point-by.

There will also be a “Taste of the Track” program for drivers considering track events. You will have classroom and then take your car on track with an instructor at reduced speeds (Under 60 mph). Taste of the Track does not require a helmet, tech inspection or car numbers.

Atlanta Speedwerks, our sponsor for all 2024 track events, will have a support crew at each event providing aditional trackside assistance for all HPDE participants at no cost. You just pay for parts and fluids. They are a race-shop here in Atlanta and are experts in all things track related.

Instructors please register early and help support our women’s program. Remember, you drive for free!

Register now at

See you at the track!

Peachstate Region, PCA Track Committee