Last Updated: 12/24/2024, 11:14:47
Your Porsche needs to go through the pre-event technical and safety inspection before each and every DE event. This is an important part of your preparation. The Tech form can be downloaded here. Print the form, fill in the top section, and present it with your car at the inspection station. Each event requires a separate form and the car must be inspected no more than 2 weeks prior to the event. In the Peachstate area, Hennessy Porsche and Porsche Atlanta Perimeter offer tech inspections for PCA members, or you may choose another professional repair facility.
You can check many of the items yourself to eliminate extra corrective charges in advance. Virtually all the items on the interior and exterior checklist can be easily verified, as well as several of the engine and trunk components: Check your brake lights, inspect your tires for wear, learn to determine how much brake pads you have left, keep records of when the brakes were last bled and when the brake fluid was last changed and so on. You can save yourself some stress by arranging your tech inspection in good time, and by getting any remedial work done early. Don’t leave yourself open to disappointment by leaving the inspection till the last minute, only to find you need some work done which may mean you miss the event.
Tip: Always have your brakes bled, not just the brake fluid topped off.