Arrive early in order to get your car and mind ready without rushing. Upon arrival park your car in the PADDOCK (general parking area) and go straight to SIGN IN / Registration. At Sign-In you will be given your run group and work assignment. Return to your car and empty/clean out your car of all loose objects, including floor mats, sunglasses, coins, etc. Once your car is cleaned place your numbers on the car and move your car to the correct run group parking area on the GRID. You are now clear to walk the track if it has been open.
The Peachstate schedule is generally as follows:
7:30am Gates Open
8:00 am Registration opens
8:00am Course open for walking
9:30am Mandatory Drivers Meeting. If you're late you won't run.
10:00am First car out (immediately after drivers meeting)
3:30pm Everyone tears down the course and heads home
Early arrival will give you time to get oriented, walk the course, visit the little auto crossers room, and help out the event organizers (this latter is always appreciated.)