Peachstate Region - Porsche Club of AmericaMenu

Last Updated: 12/24/2024, 10:56:26

  1. Purpose: The Peachstate Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) Facebook account is designed to promote activities of interest to the Regional Club membership and to further the enjoyment of Porsche Cars and PCA participation.
  2. Be polite: How you conduct yourself in the online social media space not only reflects upon you, but also directly upon Peachstate Region and its members. Avoid using unprofessional, disagreeable or offensive online personas.
  3. Maintain confidentiality and privacy: Do not share confidential or proprietary information about the Club or its members and vendors.
  4. Pictures/Videos: Do not post or share pictures or videos from Autocross events that show other vehicles tags. Do not share pictures from HPDE events that show other vehicle tags and do not post or share videos from HPDE events.
    Do not share pictures or videos of dangerous or illegal driving, e.g. crossing double-yellows or driving while holding a mobile device.
  5. Respect third party content: Be careful of copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and rights of privacy in your posting. Do not claim authorship of something that is not yours. If you are knowingly using other parties' content, make certain that they are credited for it in your post and that they approve of you utilizing their content.
  6. Classified advertisements: Allowed by PCA members for the sale of or in search of a Porsche, Porsche parts, or PCA related item only. No member may post advertisements on behalf of a business or company.
  7. Negative or disparaging posts: If you come across negative or disparaging posts about the Club or its members, avoid the temptation to react personally. Contact the admin of the page, group, or any Board Member for further action or how to respond.
  8. Disputes: If you have an issue with the club or a company, including sponsors, you can communicate with the club officers through Facebook is not the forum to air grievances and such posts will be removed.
  9. When in doubt do not post: Exercise sound judgment and common sense in posting, and if there is any doubt, do not post it!
  10. Know that the Internet is permanent: All posted information is permanent on the internet
  11. Account/Ownership: This Facebook account is the sole property of Peachstate Region of the Porsche Club of America.
  12. Competing events and activities: In order to facilitate car culture and member excitement about car events the types of posts allowed will be determined by the type of member/business posting the event. Any posting in relation to an event not organized by Peachstate Region PCA must have a disclaimer attached that the event was not a PCA/Peachstate event and not insured by PCA/Peachstate, e.g. “This was not a Peachstate PCA event”. For further clarification, by type of member/business:
    1. Other PCA Regions: Other PCA Regions are welcome to share their future and past events in the Peachstate PCA Facebook group.
    2. Peachstate PCA Sponsors and Collaborating Businesses: Peachstate PCA Sponsors and Collaborating Businesses are welcome to share posts about future and past events in the Peachstate PCA Facebook group as long as the event doesn’t directly compete with a Peachstate PCA scheduled event and there is a disclaimer that the event is not a Peachstate PCA event and is not insured by PCA/Peachstate, e.g. “This is not (was not) a Peachstate PCA Event”
    3. Competitors: No similar future events to those of PCA and Peachstate may be advertised on this Facebook page unless those events are free to PCA/Peachstate members. Members may post about past competitor events as long as there is no mention of future competing events and there is a disclaimer that the event was not a PCA/Peachstate event and not insured by PCA/Peachstate, e.g. “This was not a Peachstate PCA event”.
  13. Violations of Protocol: Peachstate Region, reserves the right to remove any post or comment or terminate posting privileges for violation of the Club's Facebook protocol.