Last Updated: 03/01/2023, 12:15:12
Autocross is an inexpensive and FUN way to participate in competitive motorsports. Further, it is one of the best ways to learn car control in a safe and controlled environment. It is a great event to participate in before you move to Driver Education or racing. In addition it will make you a better track driver and daily driver.
Autocross is a timed, solo competition - there is no wheel-to-wheel racing involved, as cars are well separated on the course. Autocross courses are laid out utilizing plastic traffic cones that won't damage your car in various straights, turns, and slaloms. Our courses allow for highway speeds in certain sections of the course if the area is large enough to do so safely. The top speed at most autocross courses is around 55 to 60 MPH; each run is timed, but a two second penalty is applied for each cone hit.
Autocross is a GREAT way to learn about your car and how to get the maximum performance out of it. There is probably no better way to learn braking, throttle control, clutch control, steering, and smoothness than participating in an autocross event. It is also a great way to enjoy your car and get a better feel for all that it can do. It's challenging in different ways than a road course; turns come at you faster and can give you the feeling of driving a Formula I at speed. At Road Atlanta there are 12 turns, on an autocross course there might be 20 turns. Here you will find that smoothness counts. While your actual speed will not be that fast, turns come at you faster than on a race course. Knowing your line and setting up for the next turn is an art to master to become a good autocross driver and will make you both a better road course driver and street driver. You will learn the importance of driving ahead of your car.
Any safe, street muffled vehicle can compete without any modifications. Peachstate Region follows PCA classifications for different levels of car modification so that cars with similar performance potential compete head to head.
Any driver with a valid driver's license, and who signs the Waiver of Liability may participate in the autocross. Drivers under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the Waiver of Liability for Minors (linked below). No racing license or prior experience is required. Passengers are allowed, but must sign the Waiver of Liability at registration and wear the wristband showing they have done so. Both Driver and Passenger must wear helmets.
Any "M" rated helmet is acceptable, but consider purchasing a SNELL SA 2010 rated helmet, as that is the minimum for PCA Driver Education events (and you may want to try those someday). We offer a selection of loaner helmets to those who don't have one or forget to bring their own. You will also need closed toe shoes.
The entry fee is $50 for PCA members and $55 for non-members. We use to register online before the event; there is no on-site registration. You may pay on-line or on-site, with correct cash or a check made out to Peachstate PCA.
If you're new to autocross, Peachstate offers a Car Control Clinic consisting of braking, turning, and skid pad instruction followed by practice in several autocross elements. You're also welcome to come out during the year even if you haven't been through the school. We have qualified instructors who are happy to ride along with you and help you understand the course. They will offer guidance and suggestions to help you become a better driver. Everyone is welcome regardless of make, model or skill level, so bring your Porsche and Non-Porsche friends and have a great time!
We will award a Grand Champion (non-handicapped) and a Club Champion (handicapped) at the end of the season.
The Grand Champion is the Porsche with the fastest time of the Championship event regardless of class. You must run four events in any Porsche class prior to the Championship event to be eligible for Grand Champion and may drive in any Porsche class for the Championship event.
The Club Champion is determined using a handicap system that levels the playing field for all Porsche driving participants regardless of the Porsche model they drive. You must run four events in the same Porsche class prior to the Championship event to be eligible for Club Champion, and you must drive the Championship event in the class in which you gained qualification.
You do not have to meet the above requirements just to participate in the Championship event; it is open to everyone.
Class Winners
Class winners are computed at the end of the season and you must compete in a minimum of 4 events (one of which may include the championship event) in the same class. Class winners are determined using a point system on a per event basis: participation is 2 points, first place 7 points, second place 5 points, and third place 4 points. We will use the highest four event finish placement points, and ALL participation points. The driver with the most points at the end of the season is the class winner. The intent is to reward both driving skill and participation. In the event of a tie we will award co-winners.
Most Improved
The driver who makes the greatest improvement in his or her time over the course of the season averaged over at least 4 events will be our "Most Improved Driver".
Non-Porsche Champion
The Non-Porsche Champion will be the fastest NP (Non-Porsche) entrant that competes in 4 events and the Championship Autocross.. This award is based on an un-handicapped time.
Be sure to review the FAQs and Checklist web page for more information. See you on the course.
Finally, we are pleased to welcome back Four Hats Inc as our title sponsor. David and his team have been great supporters of our program since 2019 and if your business need traffic management we encourage you to visit them at
Minor Participation in Competitive Events
PCA guidelines specify that minors may NOT participate in competitive driving events. However, minors 16 and 17 years old may participate in such events subject to the rules of the PCA Junior Participation Program. Please check with your event chair or the region safety chair for further details before registering for an event.